Friday, March 14, 2008

Here�s A Quick Way To Better Employee Retention � Incentive Programs

Here�s A Quick Way To Better Employee Retention � Incentive Programs
by Mario R. Churchill

Hitting the ways on how to retain an employee is absolutely more difficult than ever before. But one thing is evident � businesses that can effectively identify and pay their best performers and provide feasible incentive programs will definitely win the retention battle.

In reality, people may come and go in a certain organization. Every company is faced with unending series of employee resignation or dismissal announcements. Whether the grounds for such cases is based on one�s search for greener pastures or for more secured futures, nobody can dismiss the fact that these events can still create a great impact on the operational mode of businesses.

So what is the bottom line of all these mess? Aside from full compensation benefits for the employees, it is best to identify achievements and skills through incentive programs.

Incentive programs are considered as the great-pound brute of retention. In fact, experts say that giving incentive programs can absolutely motivate people to work harder and deliver better results.

Incentive programs are obviously the most prevailing weapon in the industry. However, just like the other weapons endowed with great power, when used wrongly can do more harm than good.

Incentive programs when spread evenly in a certain group of employees may create confusion, insult, and preconceived notion. Of course, top performers would feel snubbed because others were given the same amount of incentive even if they have not exerted the same effort like they did.

Moreover, people who have not yet proven their worth to receive such incentive programs will have an impression than they too can be rewarded just by showing up.

The idea of a true and efficient incentive program should focus more on distinguished performance, free from biased-treatment and unscrupulous evaluation. Effective incentive programs should be based individual achievements.

It is also important that employees should know how they were rated and why such incentive programs were given. In this way, employees can clearly assess the things that they can do to improve their performance, which will result to greater incentives.

In companies where employee�s incentive programs moves in fundamental lockstep, a mechanical and influential deterrent can be created. On the other hand, really gratifying carrying out of functions obtains the reverse result by increasing the performance level and instigating others to go beyond the line. This will be triggered more by various incentive programs.

Moreover, incentive programs should encourage employees to develop full concern for the company. These programs should not make them see rewards as forms of greed but more as a type of connection that will link the employee to his organization.

Business experts say that giving out incentive programs will be totally useless if the employee will not develop concern for the company.

With this, incentive programs should not focus more on materialistic rewards, such as money and other tangible items. Incentive programs could go as far as giving more challenging tasks and convenience in their work environment.

Incentive programs can be as diverse as they can be. The most important factor to remember here is that when implementing incentive programs, the management should be able to create a better working environment for everybody and achieve the highest standards of employee retention to foster stable operation.

Keep in mind that frequent resignation and dismissal of employees can be devastating. Hence, incentive programs can balance everything and maintain quality people.

About The Author

Mario Churchill is a freelance author and has written over 200 articles on various subjects. For more information checkout and


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