Friday, February 8, 2008

Protecting Your Children from Sex Offenders and Predators Online

Protecting Your Children from Sex Offenders and Predators Online
by Leon Edward

Unfortunately, young children have been the prey

of a good many mentally ill individuals in this

world. Their pattern is to seek out children in

friendship only to pounce upon them when the

child lets down its guard in learning to trust

the stranger. You must first accept that there is

indeed a problem as well as accepting that there

may be someone who is a predator of your family.

This is the first step in understanding that

there are others out there that will harm others

if given the opportunity, and acknowledging that

you must protect your family from those dangers.

It is imperative to understand all the different

ways that a predator can introduce themselves

into your family. This will help you to protect

you and your family from sex offenders.

One of the first areas that will aid you to

protect your children from sex offenders is

teaching them how to safely and securely use the

internet and its tools. Although many children

are more interested in talking with their friends

while online, they are able to reach out to

others and strangers are able to reach out to

them. There are many ways to protect your

children while online that you may wish to

consider. You may want to purchase special

computer software that is able to block your

children from viewing vulgar activities and

language as well as monitor the online activities,

which they do partake.

It is very important to realize that in their

innocence that a child may make a mistake and

give out important personal information. Let your

children know that if they do make a mistake, to

let you know as soon as possible, so that the

situation can be taken care of, and that they can

save themselves even after making a mistake. You

must let them know that there are sick

individuals out there who are a danger to them,

even sexually. There are many ways that you will

want to teach them about staying away from sex


You must take all precaution in letting the child

know that they can protect themselves from sex

offenders who target children as well as other

people. You must also help them understand that

if they are abducted they can put up a fight and

struggle for their freedom, by calling attention

to themselves and the offender or anyone else who

will cause them harm, stranger or not, online or


Since there are so many different areas of online

use, you must let your children know that they

can still keep themselves safe while using

instant messaging and chat rooms. You must

protect your children by letting them know that

it is not permissible to use public or private

online chat rooms, as they are potentially in

danger while talking to any stranger. By

understanding the rules of staying safe, while

online they are able to use the tools without

jeopardizing their safety. You as a parent need

to be able to utilize your computer without the

worry of your children being influenced by a

sexual predator.

About The Author

Get Your FREE Guide From Leon Edward of Family Estore Answering the Most Frequently Asked Questions About Online Predators, and How to Protect Your Children. Discover Answers to Important Questions All Parents Should Ask About Online Predators and Children.


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