Saturday, January 12, 2008

Planning A Wine And Cheese Party

Planning A Wine And Cheese Party
by Michael Hutchins

One of the most enjoyable ways to enjoy your home bar and wine furniture is to have a wine and cheese party. To make the party a big hit, however, requires creativity and planning. In planning your party, your first step is to select a theme. For example, do you want wines and cheeses from all over the world represented? Or, do you want wines and cheeses representing just one region, California for example. For the sake of putting our focus on a particular theme, let's use wines and cheeses from all over the world.

When you send out your invitations to the party, make sure they detail the party's theme. For time's sake it's best to assign a region to each guest, or multiple guests, depending on the number of people you anticipate will attend. Each guest will be instructed to bring a bottle of wine and a cheese from that region. Alternate between red wines, white wines, and even sparkling wines with each invited guest. Give your guests a suggested price range as well. For some extra fun and ambiance, have your guests bring a theme decoration or two representing their assigned regions,( the country's flag, for example). Make sure that your guests are instructed to r.s.v.p. This is important for determining the supplies you'll need to provide.

When your guests arrive, give them a glass for red wine and a glass for white wine. Also have some Champagne flutes available for the sparkling wines. Make certain that you have at least one ice bucket and/or wine chiller available to keep the cold wines chilled. As far as needed bar accessories, you'll want a cheese slicer and several special cheese knives. The cheese slicer features a thin band, and is essential for many soft cheeses. If your guests have not cut up their hard cheeses, have them do so in small squares. Make sure you provide plenty of toothpicks. It's also a good idea to have bottled water handy to refresh the palate between wines and cheeses. Your guests should be situated in " stations" around your home bar area. A word here about wine openers. An event like a wine and cheese party will definitely help you understand the value of a "heavy-duty" wine opener! When you're opening this many bottles of wine, a commercial quality opener will make the task almost effortless. A savings of energy that you'll appreciate at the end of the day! Definitely invest in a quality opener if you haven't already.

Use a mobile wine cart to move around the room and attend to your guests. A wine cart is an excellent resource at a wine and cheese party! Also, for those of you that would like to get fancy, provide your guests with wine adornments. These adornments attach to the stem of the wine glass and allow wine drinkers to identify their own glasses. Wine adornments are available in a variety of wine oriented themes. By following these simple suggestions and guidelines, your wine and cheese party will be a smashing success! It might even inspire you to form your own wine "club." Good luck!!

Feel free to reprint this article and distribute it to your favorite newsletters, ezines, and websites. Please don't alter the content, eliminate the links, or change the information in the resource box.

About The Author

Michael Hutchins is a noted speaker and writer on many subjects related to home entertaining. He has created his online store, to be "one stop" shopping for all your home bar needs. You'll find an amazing variety of home bars, barstools, decorative wine racks, and bar accessories. It's a fun place to just browse around! Why not visit right now!


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